World News

Letters: Shelter help | Social workers | ‘Bulb Guy’ | ‘Killing device’


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Animal shelter must
seek more help

Re: “At beleaguered shelter, care for pets criticized” (Page B1, Nov. 9).

I was deeply disturbed to learn about the conditions at the San Jose Animal Care Center.

From the unnecessary amputations, like the dog Sparrow had to suffer, to rapidly declining live release rates, such as the rate for cats dropping from 90% in 2020 to 75% in 2023, there is ample evidence that practices in this establishment must change.

To mitigate these harmful outcomes, the shelter could focus on foster programs to open up space in the shelter or collaborate with rescue organizations for additional resources.

Erin Gribi
San Jose

Respect social workers’

Re: “Who failed baby Phoenix?” (Page A1, Nov. 12).

As a retired social work educator, and past member of the Santa Clara County Child Abuse Prevention Council, I have followed the tragic saga of baby Phoenix with a pit in my stomach, tears in my eyes and righteous indignation. The stellar piece of investigative journalism chronicles the collaborative failures that resulted in the infant’s death by highlighting the system’s failures to heed the recommendations of trained CPS social workers, and the frequent (although not in this case), instances where county counsel attorneys have overridden the recommendations of professionally trained social workers.

This preventable tragedy also reflects the heinous priorities of our community. In our own Silicon Valley, tech workers are compensated with obscene salaries, while master’s level CPS social workers earn a fraction of those salaries, and deal with burnout, vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, the opioid epidemic wreaks havoc on vulnerable children and families.

Barry Goldman-Hall
San Jose

Help make ‘Bulb Guy’s’
latest project a success

Re: “San Jose’s ‘Bulb Guy’ may soon become the ‘Sock Guy’” (Page B1, Nov. 12).

I write to express my admiration for Rich Santoro, better known as “The Bulb Guy.”

In his recent interview, I learned about his latest project, the socks that not only sport vibrant colors but also play sound at the push of a button. Impressively, he plans to donate all the profits from the sale of these socks to St. Jude’s in honor of his late son. The socks can be used by fans of different professional teams.

As Silicon Valley thrives on innovation, let’s rally behind the Bulb Guy’s mission. Imagine raising millions of dollars for people in need. When these socks hit the market, let’s embrace them and make a huge impact for St. Jude’s by making more news with him.

Bence Szabo
San Jose


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