Man charged after crash where elderly man was allegedly hit by his own car
The victim, a man in his 80s, was left in a serious condition with head and leg injuries and remains in hospital.
The incident happened just after 5.45pm on Three Lane Ends in Escomb, near Bishop Auckland, on Saturday (March 16) evening.
Police have said the man was allegedly hit by his own car after it was allegedly stolen. It’s believed he was parking the vehicle at the time.
A 22-year-old man was arrested close to the scene and taken into custody, and has now been charged with a string of offences.
He has been named by police as Aiden Kenny, from Skelton.
Kenny will appear before Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court on Tuesday (March 19) morning charged with Section 18, grievous bodily harm with intent, dangerous driving, aggravated vehicle taking without consent and two counts of assault on an emergency worker.
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