
Newbern Body Swaps His Postal Jeep! Putting A Newer TJ Chassis Under This Mail Jeep Will Make It Way Better Than Ever! –


Newbern Body Swaps His Postal Jeep! Putting A Newer TJ Chassis Under This Mail Jeep Will Make It Way Better Than Ever!

Newbern Body Swaps His Postal Jeep! Putting A Newer TJ Chassis Under This Mail Jeep Will Make It Way Better Than Ever!

Postal Jeeps, aka Jeep DJs, were two wheel drive units that were marketed as light delivery vehicles starting in 1955 and continuing through the mid 1980s. There was even a time when a convertible top model was produced and became popular in tropical climates for use at resorts and such. But the most common Jeep DJ any of us sees is the venerable “Mail”, or “Postal” Jeep, and Newbern’s got one. These used to be a popular and cheap Jeep to buy when the post office quit using them years ago, but in most of those cases folks were swapping out the solid front beam axle for a Dana 44 or something similar in order to build a hard top 4×4 Jeep. But what about doing a chassis swap instead? Why not swap the mail Jeep onto a good TJ chassis?

That’s exactly what Newbern and Cotten have done for an upcoming episode of Faster with Newbern and Cotten so check out this behind the scenes access to what they ended up with.

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