World News

Caldwell County considers expanding emergency services


LOCKHART, Texas (KXAN) — Caldwell County Commissioner’s Court have tabled the decision to add another emergency services district as it awaits decisions from several other cities within the county.

In their meeting Tuesday, commissioners briefly discussed adding Emergency Service District (ESD) 5 which would extend emergency and ambulance services in the county.

The Commissioner’s Court said that the cities of Luling, Lockhart, Martindale and Uhland had already signed resolutions in support, but that it would wait until receiving responses from the cities of San Marcos, Staples and Mustang Ridge.

Those responses could come as early as next week.

New ESD comes as contract ends with City of Lockhart

The City of Lockhart said this change is partly motivated by its ambulance services contract with Ascension Seton coming to an end in a couple months.

In a statement, the City of Lockhart said: “As the City’s ambulance services contract with Ascension Seton ends on September 30, the creation of a county-wide ESD would allow the new EMS district to levy up to 10 cents per $100 property valuation tax to make a steady stream of revenue available to provide emergency services.”

The Commissioner’s Court said it would take up this matter again early next month.

If the county moves forward with ESD 5, the issue would then go before voters in November, as ESD’s levy taxes to pay for those services require voter approval.


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