Bridge: Aug. 2, 2023
Wednesday, August 2. It was warm in Los Angeles. We were working the Daywatch out of Bunco. The boss is Capt. Stewart. My partner’s Bill Gannon. He’s a good player. My name’s Friday.
We got a call about a scam at a Hollywood club. We checked it out. The suspect was still playing. One of his opponents spoke with us.
“It was terrible, officer.”
“Just the facts, ma’am.”
“That man sitting West swindled us out of a slam. At six spades, my partner took the king of diamonds and led a trump to her jack — and West played low without a hitch.”
South went back to dummy and led a second trump to her ten, and this time West won and returned a trump. South could win only 11 tricks. If West wins the first trump, South can set up her fifth club with two ruffs in dummy.
“He’s a con artist. Cuff him!”
We let West off. South mismanaged the trumps. She should not try a second finesse but must take the ace and set up the clubs, ignoring the missing king of trumps.
You hold: S Q 7 6 2 H A 10 8 5 D K Q 7 C 6 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. What do you say?
ANSWER: You have 11 high-card points, normally enough to invite game but not to force. But some 11-point hands are better than others. Here you have two honors in partner’s first suit, plus a side ace, plus a “working” queen. Bid four spades. A hand such as AK43,32,AJ952,54 for partner will be enough.
North dealer
N-S vulnerable
S Q 7 6 2
H A 10 8 5
D K Q 7
C 6 2
S K 5 3
H 7 3
D 10 9 8 6
C Q 10 8 5
S 9 8
H Q J 9 6 2
D J 4 3 2
C 7 3
S A J 10 4
H K 4
D A 5
C A K J 9 4
North East South West
Pass Pass 1 C Pass
1 H Pass 2 S Pass
4 S Pass 6 S All Pass
Opening lead — D 10
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