Say goodbye to free 2-hour parking in London’s core | CBC News
The City of London is ending its two-hour complimentary parking promotion in downtown on March 31.
The CORE promo code ends at the end of the month
The City of London is ending its two-hour complimentary parking promotion in downtown on March 31.
The promotion was brought in as a temporary measure through the city’s Core Area Action Plan to support businesses during construction through the temporary promotional code “CORE” on the HonkMobile app. It was extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In June 2023, the city extended the promotion to the end of this month. The Honk app is still available for Londoners to use to pay for parking in city-owned lots and curbside metered spaces. Most lots managed and owned by the city offer monthly passes at a discount to people who work in downtown.
The core area is defined as included downtown, Richmond Row and Old East Village.