World News

New program aims to help girls and teens become leaders


Leadership program Lean In Girls on July 27 launched a curriculum for girls and young teens who identify with the girlhood experience on how they can embrace their
leadership superpowers and reject stereotypes about what girls can’t do.

Lean In’s co-founders want to see more women leaders. They’re hoping a new program aimed at girls and young teens can help.

Women remain underrepresented in corporate leadership positions, with a 2022 report from the women’s empowerment nonprofit Lean In and consulting firm McKinsey & Company finding that while women make up 48% of entry-level jobs, they fill just 26% of c-suite roles. A separate USA TODAY analysis found women are outnumbered 5 to 1 in senior leadership roles among the nation’s 100 top publicly traded companies.

Lean In, co-founded by CEO Rachel Thomas and former Meta Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg in 2013, is working to help change those statistics through Lean In Girls. The new leadership program, which launched Thursday, offers a free curriculum of 15 one-hour group sessions that teach girls and young teens who identify with the girlhood experience how to view themselves as leaders.


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